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Friday, July 1, 2011

Yeah, We're Crazy. So?

Finding and watching these videos did two things for me:
  1. Made me laugh and put me in a good mood.
  2. Reminded me that I'm not alone in my obsession.
Every day, every week, I make my schedule around when and where I'm going to run. Of course sometimes something happens that causes me to change that schedule - injury, illness, sudden family issues - and I need to learn not to freak out too much about it. To remember that running isn't the only way to improve physical and mental health. Still, the feeling a fair weather day, hand bottle of ice water, and perfectly adjusted shoe laces can provide is tough to beat! And that exact moment you sprain your ankle (which I did this past Sunday) or wake up too late in the morning (and it's already 90+ degrees) can honestly be an emotional shock. "Now what am I going to do? I don't want to cross-train. Or heaven forbid...DO NOTHING!"

I'm better than I used to be though. Really. OK, not really. But I'm trying.

Enjoy the videos and have a great 4th of July weekend!