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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

No Time To Be Injured

Ah, isn't it just like life to aim straight for my nuts when I'm not paying attention?

So yeah, I sprained my ankle this past Saturday and I wish I could say it was doing something worth mentioning. I wasn't running or thwarting a terrorist attack or anything else that would make a cool story. No, I was getting off a trampoline. Not jumping on the trampoline (although I actually still can do a back flip). Getting off. Like, just stepping down. And it popped. How I have no idea, since one could question the very existence of ligaments after all the crap I did to them in high school, but I definitely sprained something. But I did what a good athletic trainer should do and immediately went into R.I.C.E. mode for the rest of the say. Oh and did I mention that this was a day after I barefoot-kicked the corner of the fridge door extremely hard and bruised an extensor tendon severely enough to cause me to limp for 48 hours afterwards? My bad for leaving that part out. Oh and I might as well mention the stomach bug that had me wiped all day Sunday as well.

Well my Memorial Day weekend was hosed and I was already behind schedule just one week into my training plan but whatever. Shit happens. I figured I'd just move my trail run from Sunday to Tuesday and get right back to it. (Ugh, if everything was that easy.) I woke up this morning, saw that the weather was super nice, taped up my own ankle (very nicely too if I may say so), popped two Tylenol, and headed out. And proceeded to crap out after the first four miles. I mean I was whipped. I don't know if it was the temperature or the horrible holiday diet or an altered stride or maybe my Sunday illness hanging about, but I could not keep my heart rate down for anything. I'm pretty sure it wasn't my foot or ankle as neither bothered me too much. I even tore off the tape after the first half mile or so, and as long as I stayed on my toes and kept my right ankle from going into full, quick dorsiflexion, everything felt fine. No, I don't know what it was but running was brutal today. So I walked way more than last time. But I guess I need to get used to a run/walk mix if I'm to complete a 50K. I just hope come October that I don't start feeling the need to rest until my last 12.5 mi lap.

And I made another wrong turn. (sigh) Hey, at least it was at a different spot this time.

Anyway, enjoy some of the pics I took during my frequent "holy crap, my heart is about to explode" sessions.

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