1. My butt and hips are sore. This means two things: 1) I'm using the correct technique to climb hills, and 2) the days of my flat ass are numbered.
2. Losing 10 lbs would be a big help. (Sigh) Time to cut back on the cherry pie with vanilla ice cream.
3. Drink more water. 34 oz in 100 min isn't enough. It has to be the hydration vest because I always drink enough when I'm carrying a hand bottle.
4. Take a salt pill. It's only going to get hotter over the next several weeks, and I don't want to cramp and then strain something after I stubbornly keep going.
5. Sunscreen. I'm usually pretty good about remembering it too, just not this time.
6. Cyclists suck. Their bikes tear up the trails and I just know I'm going to get run over by one going the opposite direction. And because of them I have to keep checking behind to make sure one isn't riding up on me.
7. Holy crap, there are a lot of lizards. And turkeys. But thankfully I didn’t run into any wild hogs.
8. My new Saucony Peregrines have some sick traction. Not a single slip the entire run.
9. After reading Relentless Forward Progress by Bryon Powell, I've decided to go without any supplemental calories on any run that’s shorter than 2 hours. And I’ll be damned, I never felt like I was about to crash from lack of energy, so why in the heck was I sucking down all those GU gels last year?
10. I really need to look over a map of the place. I went out hoping I’d remember where I’d been in the past and pretty much got lucky with the distance. But subsequent runs are going to be longer and I really need to know what trails to take so that I don’t end up always having to repeat stuff.
I saw your route and time on Run Keeper. That's really cool.